Nansi Ellis
I’m an education policy consultant, providing expertise to charities, professional bodies and unions to develop policy, influence and strategy.
I started my career as a primary school teacher, in West Wales (in Welsh) and then in London. I then worked in education quangos, the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA), and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), supporting the administration of primary assessment and developing the early years foundation stage.
Moving into union policy work at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), I brought together member task groups to develop policy on early years, pupil voice, and teacher professionalism; led cross-union policy development on assessment; and worked with teachers, leaders and education organisations as editor of Managing Teacher Workload. Following ATL's merger with the NUT, I developed and led the first education policy and research department for the National Education Union (NEU) and set up the Independent Assessment Commission.
Since leaving the NEU in 2022, I’ve worked on a range of policy projects, including research on the impact of Progress 8 on creative subjects with ISM; developing principles for a Baccalaureate for the Edge Foundation; and managing Youth Employment UK’s commission on post-16 education and training.